"To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil
is to forget ourselves."

Monday, August 30, 2010


Escarole is a variety of endive whose leaves are broader, paler, and less bitter than other members of the endive family. The most desirable part of the escarole is the center where the paler leaves are less bitter than the rest of the head. I was able to cultivate the pale center leaves by putting rubber bands around the heads depriving the center leaves of sunlight. Generally, escarole is tougher than lettuce and more bitter. However, the paler, inner leaves of escarole can be torn into salads for a taste very similar to raddicchio. I prefer to cook it. Last week I made an escarole and white bean dish. I sauteed garlic, onions, celery, and carrots until tender. I added torn escarole leaves to the pan and then added chicken broth to cover. I added one can of white beans and cooked everything for a few more minutes until done. I put half of it in the freezer and ate the rest for lunch. Escarole is high in fiber, folic acid and vitamins A and K. I have several more heads of escarole in the garden that I will try to pick this week and make into something that I can freeze for later this fall.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! I remember that dish, I need to make that ASAP!! I loved it when you would make it. This blog really makes me miss your recipes :( Well and you making me the recipes haha
    Do you think I can get Escarole in the supermarket???
