"To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil
is to forget ourselves."

Monday, August 23, 2010

The garage door is open!

Many of my friends and neighbors know by now that I have created a small enterprise in my back yard, selling vegetables and flowers out of the garden. They know that when the garage door is open, they can come in and buy whatever is available on the table inside. I pick and rinse the produce, put it in plastic bags, price it, and leave an envelope on the table for cash. I usually send out an email on the days that I pick to alert people that there are fresh veggies for sale. Everything is sold on a first come, first serve basis. I have several regular customers as well as those who occasionally stop by on their walk around the neighborhood. Most weeks I sell just about everything. The best part of my garage farm stand is that there are no set hours, no marketing costs, no personel issues. No pressure. I sell what I have on the days that I work in the garden. When the garage door is shut, the market is closed. Today was busy at the garage market. Every time I looked out the window, there was another car in the driveway and it looks like I'm just about out of tomatoes.
Some days I think that I ought to spruce up the entrance to the market and paint the garage door, but it has been nice flying under the radar and I don't want to bring unwanted attention to the good thing that I've created. And what color would I paint it anyhow? Any ideas??


  1. OK, get ready, wait for it.......I think you should paint it pink, and then let anyone interested paint something on the door, like some vegetables, flowers, or images of what the open door means to them.
    Or you can have Jeri come by and do something magical!

  2. the old paint and peeling door has a character all its own... I wouldn't change a thing

  3. I love it just the way it is! Actually your whole house! :)
