"To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil
is to forget ourselves."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ready for prime time

After germinating in the poly house and hardening off in the cold frame, many of our seedlings were ready to hit the big time out in the garden. Colleen transplanted Napa cabbage and bok choy, Dona planted the scallions, Marilyn and Nancy worked with the beets and onions and I put in the red and green leaf lettuce. The garden is beginning to look like a patchwork quilt. I am planting from the outside in, with with a general plan in mind, but nothing definite. Because it is new ground I can plant anywhere and not worry about what was planted the previous year. I will map out the location of the vegetables this year and rotate them to different spaces next season in order to maximize specific nutrients and to stay one step ahead of predatory bugs and harmful soil born diseases.
I fertilized the garlic with fish emulsion for the second time this season. The plants are about 15 inches tall and look healthy and strong.

The best part of the week is that I harvested my first baby greens from the trays. As I suspected, I will need to plant many more trays as I was able to put together 4 nice bags of baby greens mix from about 7 trays. It is certainly time consuming to plant the trays, cut, rinse, spin, dry, and bag the greens, but it was worth the effort because for the first time in months my salad tasted fresh and crisp and it was great to finally eat something fresh picked from the garden.

To do this week: Transplant more onions and beets, add sulphur and boron to new growing area.
Greenhouse:  tomatoes, fennel, lots more baby greens mix
Direct seed: radish, swiss chard
Jen's garden schedule: tues, wed, thurs morning, friday afternoon, sunday
My garden schedule is subject to change

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