"To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil
is to forget ourselves."

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring is here


The magnolia and cherry trees are blooming and the pale yellow daffodils are up. The temperatures have been in the 70's and everywhere you look people are outside. Every day feels like a bonus as if somehow we don't deserve it so early in April. We seeded a tray of peppers and direct seeded Hakurei salad turnips into the garden. The poly house is filled and everything seems to be thriving. There are 6 more boxes of dahlias to divide, but we should finish that chore over the weekend. It will certainly be a lot easier using the brand new clippers that Dona dropped off earlier in the week. Dividing dahlia tubers with a dull knife is torture and I came very close to severing my index finger last week.  Charlie, my landscaper friend has promised to have the sod removed from the east side of the garden within the next couple of days. I'm expanding the garden by another 750 square feet to accomodate the dahlias and zinnias.  Of course, I'm secretly cursing myself for not making the garden big enough in the fall now that I'm renting the sod cutter and paying for another compost delivery and workers again. See what I mean about the dahlias? Only the very best for them. 
Chores: plant potatoes, seed basil and lettuce, divide dahlias
Schedule: Friday 11-2, saturday and sunday afternoon.


  1. Hi Jen:
    What fun to note the farmers market that is evolving. I certainly can contribute marinades etc in the future if things go that way Am working Friday so was planing to help out on Sat. in the AM as we on on a plane to see Phil's mom in the afternoon. Will have to table my help until I return the 17th. If you have a weekend time posted I will come on the 18th.
    Your photos are beautiful. Am checking my flower garden daily only to note that the deer are even eating daffodils this year!!!! I hope they don't like shrub roses as I have had to replace my perennial garden with shrub roses and ornamental grass.
    Be well;stay happy. Love Judy

  2. Judy,
    We are lucky that we don't have deer here. It would be very hard for me to see them destroy everything. Feel free to contribute anything to our informal market. It will be a fun way to showcase our talent and try new things. The plan is to have the freezer and refrigerator moved into the garage tomorrow. Working tomorrow a.m. is good. Nancy H. will be here too. If I am at yoga, I'll post chores on the garage doors and I'll see you when I get home.

  3. Jen, Ron signed me up for a Cornell Coop class in the am saturday. I had been talking about and he surprised me with the news later today. soooo,I will be there only sunday instead of sat and sunday. sorry for the last minute notice. i will be more than happy to finish the dahlias at that time. i really enjoyed the task today. thank you. I will also bring the plastic seeding trays and the creeping small leaf vine i spoke of today.

  4. It must be so nice to get to dedicate every ounce of energy to your very own backyard!
