"To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil
is to forget ourselves."

Monday, April 5, 2010

Seeding like crazy

I am trying to think smaller, but I'm still seeding trays like I'm back on the one acre Farm. The poly house is filling up fast and I'm having to think of clever ways to squeeze more trays inside its 10 x 10 frame. If the warmer temperatures continue, I'll be able to move some trays out to the cold frame. I seeded 8 more trays of lettuce varieties and assorted greens like pizzo and mizuna for my experiment in baby greens mix. These greens grow quickly and I will be ready to cut in a couple of weeks. However, I'm still unsure just how many bags of baby greens mix I'll actually get out of 8 trays. It will be interesting to see. In the meantime, I just keep seeding and seeding. Seeding for the mix takes patience as I count out every indvidual seed. I divide the tray into three sections and seed approximately 120 seeds per section for a total of 360 seeds per tray. This ensures an even distribution throughout the entire tray, but it is tedious and challenging for me who has a limited attention span. I also seeded zinnias, collards, and pots of dill, cilantro, and stevia.
Out in the garden Nancy and Dona planted a bed of carrots and later in the day I planted spinach and arugula. The next day I planted more spinach and arugula and later this week, I may do it again. I can plant a lot of these two early crops and not worry about taking up too much space in the garden because by mid May, they will be harvested and I'll be able to plant something else in its place. My garden strategy has always been that too much is better than too little, but necessity may dictate a new plan of less is more.

1 comment:

  1. You are going to have more food than you and dad know what to do with haha! I give you permission to fully stock me up with veggies :)
